Sunday, July 22, 2012

UPDATE: Thank you Hashem! Thank you kinderlach! It's working!

Thank you, Hashem! Thank you Kinderlach! Thank you Klal Yisrael! Please keep doing what you are doing - its working!

With overwhelming feelings of gratitude to Hashem, we are grateful to report to all of you who took such a deep, personal interest in Alexander's wellbeing - especially to you, dear Kinderlach - that our heartfelt Tefilos/Prayers have pierced the gates of Shamayim.

Over Shabbos we have seen a miraculous improvement in Alexander's condition and health.

Alexander's doctors removed most of the life support machines he was connected to. They removed the respirator/breathing tube - he is B"H breathing on his own.

Over Shabbos, Alexander has been able to eat on his own. He has been able to talk to and smile with his doctors and loved ones.

The doctors feel that the situation is now under control and they are optimistic.

Alexander's doctors are saying that they have no doubt that the prayers on his behalf have accomplished this turnaround.

Please understand!

The situation is still being considered by the doctors as "Critical"!

Chaza"l tell us that ״מחשבה טובה הקב״ה מצרפה למעשה״ - when a person has a good thought or a thought to DO something good, Hashem considers it as if it was already DONE (Hashem JOINS the "good thought" with the "deed").

KLAL YISRAEL AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU INDIVIDUALLY!: You have been a tremendous encouragement to us during this difficult time and you have inspired us to tears. We have received hundreds of emails informing us of your Tefilos/prayers on Alexander's behalf, your good wishes, your blessings. Thousands of Hachlatos Tovos (good resolutions) in Torah and in Mitzvos have been emailed to us.

We have sent EVERY Hachlatah Tova we received, to be placed at the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Tziyon (gravesite).

Whoever had sent us their name and mother's name - we forwarded it to be mentioned in prayer to Hashem at Kivrei Tzadikim.

Sitting in Alexander's hospital room since Thursday, are a pile of hundreds of those Hachlatos Tovos.

From the many emails, phone calls and reports we received, it seems that tens of thousands of our brethren have taken Alexander's situation deeply to heart and have been moved to additional prayer and Torah and Mitzvos on his behalf. We are humbled by this.

Please, keep Davening, keep saying Tehilim - L'Zchus Shneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander ben Nechama Dina b'Toch Klal Yisrael. Again, we are certain in our Bitachon that, together with Shneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander ben Nechama Dina, there will be many many more Yeshuos and Teshuos for so many of our brethren in Klal Yisrael who are in need of Yeshuah and Hatzalah.

Please continue to ACT on those Hachlatos Tovos that you've taken upon yourselves - those good resolutions that Hashem has already "joined" to your good thoughts.

You can also go to to accept to do one extra Mitzvah a day - in Alexander's merit.

To view some of the wonderful things written and done on Alexander's behalf, go to

May this Achdus of so many thousands of people, moved to "Ahavas Chinam" - אהבת חנם - ("Gratuitous love") to its full degree - for one they had never even met! - be a catalyst to counter and completely nullify the cause of this long, dark Galus/Exile (which, as Chaza"l say, was sin'as chinam - שנאת חנם) and completely transform these days of traditional mourning (ימי בין המצרים) in to days of celebration (as the Rambam writes) with the coming of Moshiach NOW!

With love,

Alexander's Family

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Poem for Alex, by Anonymous

Why do you hug me so hard it hurts?
I know you love me even though.
Can’t we just walk side by side, hold my hand
Be gentle I need it so.

I have followed you faithfully all my day
And always let you lead the way
So why so close I feel to choke.
כי באו מים עד נפש

And then the friends who felt my pain
They cried tears like mine, they were the same.
Had they once felt the same embrace- love so hard it hurt?
Or did they just sense my pain, love so hard it hurt.

Did you think you’d test my faith?
I said I’d love you anyway
You see … no one scared away
Your whole world joined to pray.

You see dear God we already know
Your secret way-you’ve given  it away
You love so hard it hurts.
“The more you love…….. the harder it hurts.”

But G-d please if I may…… loosen up I pray
כי באו מים עד נפש
I will love you anyway.

IN HONOR OF ALEX: CGI Miami Tehillim Campaign

Dear Friends ,Camp Directors, shluchim,campers, parents and all the yiddishe kinderlach out there....

When one of our own is suffering and in  pain, we are all in pain. Everyday camps around the globe and communities world wide are davening, saying pesukim and making hachlotois in the Zechus  of a refuah shlaimah for shneur chaim yitzchok Alexander ben Nechama Dina.
We are all hoping and davening for the absolute best outcome.
May it be immediate.
We started a Tehillim campaign just for him and in the Zechus of his refuah Shlaima immediately.....
Let's get as many people , family, members , people of your community involved in a tangible way .You can say Tehillim but get others to pledge Tehillim in his merit to. For every 18 kapitlach pledged you will be entered into a raffle for very special prizes sponsored by Gan Israel Miami. Please print out these papers for yourself, your camp, your friends...most of all the kinderlach. We know the power of the their tefillos.
Everyone can be involved. The more Tehillim , the better.
Have in mind that it's all in the Zechus of a refuah Shlaima immediately, for shneur chaim yitzchok  Alexander ben Nechama Dina .
May Hashem listen to our tefillos and our cries and send this wonderful Bochur a refuah Shlaima now!!!

Rabbi Mendy Weiss
Camp Gan Israel Miami

UPDATE: Letter to Shluchim from R' Moshe Kotlarsky

UPDATE: Letter to Shluchim from R' Moshe Kotlarsky 

Dear Shluchim, Sheyichye

I am writing today to ask a heartfelt request, to daven for a 15 year old boy, in very critical condition fighting for his life, Shneur Chaim Yitzchok Alexander Ben Nechama Dina. This bochur is a great-grandson, grandson, nephew, and cousin of hundreds of shluchim wordwide.

At the personal request from his family I am sending out this important memo. 

Two weeks ago, Alexander was happily enjoying the Yeshivas Kayitz in New Haven, CT. In the last two weeks, R'L, a very serious infection was found in his body, and he is now being treated and cared for in the New York University Hospital, in New York.

As I'm writing this, incredible effort is being made to control this infection. He has already undergone numerous surgeries, and they are putting every effort to find the exact antibiotic that will take control, and help minimize, and ultimately completely remove the bacteria from his body.

I am turning to all shluchim, across the globe, to be mispalel to send a Refuah Sheleima U'krova to Shneur Chaim Yitzchok Alexander Ben Nechama Dina.

Your tefillos are desperately needed. Please turn to your communities and all the summer camps to ask Hashem to give this precious boy a complete refuah, yeshuah, and a long life!

As well, please encourage people to give tzedakah, and to add in mitzvos in his honour.

As shluchim of the Rebbe there is incredible power when we come together. May all the tefillos be answered, and may we hear Bsuros Tovos NOW!

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky

IN HONOR OF ALEX: Farbrengen in Melbourne, Australia

IN HONOR OF ALEX: Mayanot Yerushalayim Farbrengen +Hachlotos