Thursday, July 19, 2012


B'zchus a refuah shelaima b'korov mamosh for  Shneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander ben Nechama Dina, I will bli neder say the daily Tehillim during the month of Elul.

In the z'chus of Alexander, I have taken upon myself to be strong in all my hachlotas.

I will read an extra chapter of Tanya daily bl’neder  for a refuah shleimah ukrovah!

i'll learn the chumash of chumash with the explanation

i will be'h give tzedakah with all my children every day before davening lzchus a refuah shleima for schneur chaim yitzchak alexander ben nechama dina.

shneur zalman ben chaya dvora-tehillim kol yom, b'zchus refuah shleima l'Shneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander Ben Nechama Dina

hachlata: say brachos every morning l'zchus refuah sheleima immediately for alexander!!

My Hachlata is to try to make time in the AM  to daven with Kavanah.

at our minyanim here in Tampa Florida we will ad a kapital Tehilim that he have a refuah Sheleima now

I take on a hachloto in the zechus of Alex to say birchas hamozon from a siddur.
May the aibishter send alex a refua shlema NOW!

I will be extra tznius in honor of scya

We will BH say Teillim.  Chazak VeEmatz. 

I will iyh begin to daven with my children on shabbos

Refuah Shleima in the zechus of Rabbi J.J. Hecht who was moser nefesh for the Aibershter and his Torah.
I will imy"h take upon myself to say chitas fully, bli neder.
I will learn the hayom yom everyday. chaya mushka bas devora faigah.
Refuah Shelaimah and moshiach now our tfillos are with you.

avrhom ben chana will iyh try to be very careful with saying chitas

I and my family are baking Shabbos treats for Jewish addicts in recovery in the zechus of a complete and speedy recovery for Shneur Chaim Yitzhak Alexander ben Nechama Dina, and for his parents and family to have strength to endure this test. 

I am taking on a hachlata l'zchus Schneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander Ben Nechama Dina to bezh be more careful about giving tzedaka every day before davening.

sara bas leah devorah: I will always remember to cover my elbows

Hi tonight will be having tehillim group for some friends.

Also as hachlata tovah will try to daven mincha this week.
Sara Bluma bas Chaya Zlata

In honor of alexanders speedy refuah I will iy'h start learning a sicha or Maamar every single shabbos from here on out. May he have an immediate refuah sheleima and moshiach now!

to have more kavanah in my davening and tehillim.

iy'h im taking upon myself to be shomer hanayim until tu beav and from there to be mamshech lizchus an immediete refuah shleimah for shneur chayim yitzchok aleksander ben nechama dina
only good news!!   

When waiting for a doctor's appointment, I will read only material dealing with kedusha, like a Chassidishe Derher, or say tehillim - avoiding the magazines that are there for EVERYONE ELSE.

hachlata in the zchus of Shneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander ben Nachama Dina, to increase in daily tzdaka and more kavana during chitas. may we have good news please Hashem by your family and klal yisroel.

I am going to work hard at watching the type of language and speech I use. I will be careful to speak positively and kindly and to refrain from idle or hurtful comments. Thank you for sharing with me this zchus opportunity. 

 I will say Kriyas shema from a siddur at night, bli neder. 

 We dedicated our women's class on "Insights into the third Beis Hamikdosh" that we had tonight in Pacific Palisades, CA and gave tzedaka in the zechus of a complete rufua for Schneur Chaim Yitzchok Aleksander ben Nechama Dina

Schneur Zalman (6) Rochel Laya (4) Yosef Yitzchok (3) Chana Sara (2) Chaya Moussia (2) ben/bas Danit of Maui, HI
have all taken upon themselves to have MORE ahavas Yisroel every day and  to give tzedaka every morning in the zchus of a Refuah Sheleima for Alexander.
We should hear good news!

Moshe: Marriv for a month with a minyan
Saralla: Chumash Rashi for a month
Shmully: daf yomi with rabbi geltzeller(rabbi geltzeller  might be 130 when this cycle finishes)
Ester: Daven
Audi: shabbass candles, ten minutes early

We are now in the middle of bunk war at camp l'man achai. The campers are going to learn their Torah By Heart in the zchus of Shneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander ben Nechama Dina.
May he have an immediate and complete recovery and may we always have lots of simchas to share.

1 comment:

  1. Hachlata in the zchus of Shneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander ben Nachama Dina, complete and speedy recovery immediately. I will IMH, increase in daily tzdaka and focused and concentrated kavana during chitas. (Not just to close the sefer and say ok i did it).

    May we have good news PLEASE HASHEM by your family and klal yisroel.

    Many blessings revealed immediately,

    sarah rivka bas fruma
