Thursday, July 19, 2012

UPDATE: Letter sent to camps and yeshivos

A young yeshiva boy of 15 by the name of Shneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander ben Nechama Dina is right now in critical condition with a bacterial infection that is ravaging his body. He needs the heartfelt Tefilos of every child in Klal Yisrael!

Just one week ago “Alexander” was a perfectly healthy boy - just like you and me - learning in Yeshiva for the summer. Inexplicably, an infection in his leg spread rapidly, he was taken to the hospital where suddenly - in the emergency room - his vital systems began collapsing. Baruch Hashem, the doctors were able to save him and, through extensive surgery, they were able to locate the various infected areas and remove them.

Before Shabbos the situation was stabilized. They removed him from the respirator and, as soon as he regained consciousness, his first request was to say Shema and to put on Tefillin. He was able to speak and smile.

Since Shabbos, the fever returned and, after several surgeries, the doctors are now saying that the infection seems to be out of control. They say that in the past several months they've seen several youngsters pass away from a similar situation.

Yesterday, Alexander was given an additional two names - Shneur Chaim - to be a Zchus for his Neshama to remain down here in his body in Olam Hazeh.

We cannot sit idly!

Chaza"l tell us that the sincere prayers of Yiddishe Kinderlach  Tinokos shel Beis Raban - have the greatest power in the world to remove even the most serious of heavenly decrees.  מפי עוללים ויונקים יסדת עוז להשבית אויב ומתנקם.  Even the powerful Haman could not overcome the Tefilos of the children. Thanks to Tinokos shel Beis Raban we have the Yom Tov of Purim today!

Let us, Yiddishe Kinderlachall over the worldunite together and say 15 minutes of Dovid HaMelech's Tehillim from the depths of our heart L'Zchus "Shneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander ben Nechama Dina" and we are certain in our Bitachon that, together with Shneur Chaim Yitzchak Alexander ben Nechama Dina, there will be many, many more Yeshuos and Teshuos for so many of our brethren in Klal Yisrael who are in need of Yeshuah and Hatzalah.

After saying of the  Tehillim, please place a few pennies in the Tzedakah Pushkah.

Alexander sends his thanks to all the Kinderlach for their concern for another fellow Jew's well-being – even one whom they've never met!

If you wish, you can take on a “Hachlatah Tova” - a good resolution – to add or strengthen yourself in any area of Torah or Mitzvos as a Zchus for Alexander.

We have dedicated a special email address to which you can email your “Hachlatah Tova”. Please add your Jewish name and your mother’s Jewish name to the email and it will be brought to Kivrei Tzadikim and someone will Daven on your behalf at the Tziyon of the Tzadik(im).
The email address is: ZCHUS.SCYA@GMAIL.COM

We will, iy”H try to update you on Alexander’s progress so that you will B’Ezras Hashem, hear the good news that Alexander is back home, healthy and well, with his parents and his three brothers.

Wishing all of Klal Yisrael many Besuros Tovos (good tidings).

With love,

Alexander’s family

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